Art Curriculum Vitae

Sept 2020 - June 2023 : BA (Hons) Fine Art & Crafts : University of Hull. First Class.

Aug 2024 : Factory Festival of Creative Arts, Pencil Factory Keswick.

Mexborough Markets Exhibition : July & Aug 2024

Patchings Art Festival : July 2023 & July 2024

Fronteer Gallery, Sheffield Open Call Peak Distirct May 2024

The Space 4 Art pop up Art Fair - Oct 2023 & April 2024 (Organiser & exhibitor)

Fox Gallery Solo Exhibition : Jan & Feb 2024

Dovecot Gallery, Great Little Picture Show : Nov & Dec 2023

Harrogate Art Fair : Oct 2023

Solo Exhibition, A Sense of Place, Bassetlaw Museum : July - Sep 2023

Joint & Solo Exhibitions : Cafe H - Tickhill. 2021 - 2024